The practice of industrial policy, Chaco (2007-2015). Origins, challenges, lessons
industrial policy, Chaco, regions, ArgentinaAbstract
This work presents the theoretic bases of the industrial policy applied in the Province of Chaco since 2007, the first policy of economic development entirely designed and implemented in the Province by economists trained in the National University of the Northeast. First, the actions are framed in the context of the revival of industrial policies after the international crisis of 2008, which remains firmly in the agenda today. This revival legitimized the state’s industrial activism and shaped the political support to the actions implemented, after the period of state retraction produced by the prevalence of the Washington Consensus, which backed the dismantling of the state-centric matrix erected during the import substitution industrialization. Then, the main theoretic bases with which the industrial policy was designed before 2007 and applied since then from government positions are reconsidered. It concludes with an analysis that seeks to draw provisional lessons about the obstacles, challenges, and potential of making subnational industrial policies in the Argentine’s context, branded by strong macroeconomic and institutional volatility, in the hope this experience can be helpful for those who think and implement development policies in the NEA and NOA regions and in other underdeveloped and unstable countries.
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