The lasts in line: a revision of verbal suffixes in Maká (Mataguayan)




Affixes, Clitics, Directionals, Aspect, Maká, Gran Chaco region


This article presents a revision of a set of morphemes from Maká (Mataguayan family) that were classified as clitics in previous descriptions of the language (Gerzenstein, 1994, p. 117). The first-hand data, collected in the last decade, shed light on various aspects of this set of morphemes that allow us to postulate that they are actually affixes (not clitics) with different semantic values. As will be seen throughout the article, these morphemes present some of the prototypical characteristics of clitics (Spencer and Luís, 2012; Haspelmath and Sims, 2010), but they also present characteristics of affixes. Likewise, although all these morphemes have a similar distribution, they have very diverse semantic functions: directional, locative, aspect, among others. In this article we propose an exhaustive classification of these morphemes that takes into account both their form, their function and their meaning. To do this, we collected data using the technique of sentence elicitation and storytelling. We also contrast the data obtained with the second-hand data present in grammars, dictionaries and stories in the language. This allowed us to conclude that the morphemes under study are closer to affixes than to prototypical clitics. In addition, we classify the set of morphemes according to their semantic value as locative, directional, reciprocal and aspectual.

Author Biography

Temis Lucía Tacconi, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Doctora en Letras con orientación en Lingüística por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Desarrolla su investigación sobre diversos aspectos de la morfosintaxis de la lengua maká (mataguaya) en el marco de diversos proyectos financiados por la UBA y la Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica. Obtuvo las becas doctoral y posdoctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Ha publicado en diversos libros y revistas de la especialidad. Se ha desempeñado como Secretaria Académica del Instituto de Lingüística de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (UBA) y actualmente es docente de lingüística y de lengua española en las carreras de Ciencias Antropológicas (UBA) y Traductorado en inglés (UBA y ENSLV Spangenberg) respectivamente.



How to Cite

Tacconi, T. L. (2023). The lasts in line: a revision of verbal suffixes in Maká (Mataguayan). Cuadernos De Literatura, (21), e2111.


