Completed, original and unpublished research results, which in a methodical way constitute a contribution to the thematic field of Cuaderno Urbano, or that are built from the work experience in the area, from a critical and analytical perspective. In this section, case studies are accepted that provide data and methodologies whose value lies in the possibility of establishing comparisons, reflections or hypotheses of a higher level of generality, which transcend the local interest of the treated case. They can have an extension of between 4,000 and 8,000 words. Up to 10 figures may be included (e. g. pictures, graphics). Each issue of the journal includes between five and six refereed articles, according to their length.
Article that present characteristics of a particular city or cities that share common features, from a topic of interest within the theme of the journal, or some relevant urban phenomenon that is taking place there. Due to its nature, this section admits a shorter length (between 4,000 and 6,000 words), and a greater number of figures is required (up to twenty).MAIN ARTICLES
Contributions from renowned trajectory researchers or academics. The works represent a significant conceptual contribution to the disciplinary debate, and can be the result of specific research, essays or solidly based opinion articles. The Editorial Committee is in charge of deciding which of the articles presented and approved in the arbitration evaluation will be publish in this section. In case of being presented exclusively for this section, an extension of up to 10,000 words is admitted.
This section includes brief contributions of up to 2,500 words about recently published books published by universities or research centers on the thematic of Cuaderno Urbano. The reviews must include the complete bibliographic citation of the book (title, author/s, publisher, place and date), a descriptive synthesis of the book, comments on the contributions it makes to the subject it addresses and some final assessment that highlights the interest that can have for the readers of Cuaderno Urbano.
Article that present characteristics of a particular city or cities that share common features, from a topic of interest within the theme of the journal, or some relevant urban phenomenon that is taking place there. Due to its nature, this section admits a shorter length (between 4,000 and 6,000 words), and a greater number of figures is required (up to twenty).Copyright Notice
CUADERNO URBANO sustains its commitment to the Open Access policies for scientific information, on account of the fact that both scientific publications and public funded research must circulate freely on the Internet and without restrictions.
CUADERNO URBANO ratifies the Open Access model in which the contents of scientific publications are available in full text free of charge on the Internet, without temporary embargoes, and whose editorial production costs are not transferred to the authors. This policy proposes breaking down the economic barriers that generate inequities both in access to information and in the publication of research results.