Environmental assessment in urban and peri-urban areas of the buenos aires metropolitan region: What is the relationship between ecosystem services and demographic indicators?
Number of inhabitants, urbanized area, environmental impact matrix, land usesAbstract
Sustainable intervention in the urban and peri-urban ecosystems of the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Region (BAMR) is possible using variables such as ecosystem services (ES), population level and urbanization level. The objective of this work was to assess the effect of different land uses (e.g. extensive agriculture, intensive agriculture, urban and peri-urban agriculture, green areas) on ES and its relationship with 1) number of inhabitants and 2) urbanization level. Indicators evaluated were ES/number of inhabitants (ES/HAB) and ES/urbanized area (ES/URB). The net environmental change (positive or negative) of these relationships was also assessed using matrices. SE/HAB and SE/URB presented differences between land uses at both urban and peri-urban levels. The environmental impact matrix showed that the BAMR is at a negative level. Both indicators provided a new vision for urban landscape planning and decision making.Downloads
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