Characterization of habits related to dwelling use and management in an arid climate city. Construction of behavioral profiles regarding thermo-energetic performance
habits, use and management, thermal comfort, dwellingsAbstract
The increasing demands for comfort and the lack of energy-efficient habits have led to a rise in energy demand in the building sector. Previous studies have focused on analyzing the energy consumption of installed equipment, disregarding habitant´s consumption habits. However, understanding these habits is crucial for optimizing energy efficiency and environmental comfort in buildings, thereby reducing uncertainty in predictive analysis of building thermo-energetic performance. This study aims to construct behavioral profiles that characterize use and management habits of dwellings in an arid climate city. A methodology based on developing a validated survey is proposed. These profiles will be integrated into predictive analysis of housing user behavior. Results reveal predominantly adaptive behavior among inhabitants, responding to thermal stimuli with modifications in the inhabited environment.
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