Biología reproductiva y desarrollo del esqueleto de Polychrus acutirostris (Iguania, Polychrotidae)


  • Beatriz Blanca Álvarez Laboratorio de Herpetología, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Corrientes, Argentina.
  • María Luisa Lions Laboratorio de Herpetología, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Corrientes, Argentina.
  • Cinthia Carolina Calamante Laboratorio de Herpetología, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Corrientes, Argentina.



Reptilia, Polychrotidae, Development, Skeleton


The fully chondrocranium development and the cranial and postcranial sequences of ossification of Polychrus acutirostris (Polychrotidae) were described. The observations were based on sixteen embryos and one hatched specimen from the northeast of Argentina. Among the characters of chondrocranium and osteocranium development, the lost of taenia marginalis on the epioptica fenestra, the fusion of prootica and metoptica fenestra, reduction of orbitotemporales cartilages and the early ossification of the pterygoid are remarkable. Among postcranial events we stress the early ossification of clavicles, asincronic ossification of pectoral and pelvic girdles elements and sincronic ossification of stylopodial and zeugopodial elements in both forelimb and hind limb. Results were compared with Liolaemus quilmes, L. scapularis and Tropidurus etheridgei (Tropiduridae). Additional data about reproductive biology of Polychrus acutirostris are given and compared with other populations from the Cerrado (Brasil).


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How to Cite

Álvarez, B. B., Lions, M. L., & Calamante, C. C. (2005). Biología reproductiva y desarrollo del esqueleto de Polychrus acutirostris (Iguania, Polychrotidae). FACENA, 21, 3–27.



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