The Animal, the Pharmakon and the Self-Deconstruction of the Book


  • Pedro Tenner Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas.



Derrida, animal, book, deconstruction, pharmakon


In this paper we will attempt to study the link between the notions of the Book and the Animal in Derrida’s work. In the first place we will refer to “Plato’s Pharmacy”, for we believe that this link is best understood under the logic of the double and the unfolding associated with the notion of pharmakon. Secondly, we will turn towards Writing and Difference and Of Grammatology, where we will show how this pharmaco-logic is already at work at least in one crucial element: the constitutive and self-deconstructive structure of the Book, which is haunted by its animal double.


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How to Cite

Tenner, P. (2021). The Animal, the Pharmakon and the Self-Deconstruction of the Book. Nuevo Itinerario, 17(2), 159–178.


