The dysfunctionality of argentine federalism in the economic and social development of the provinces: the Corrientes case. Perspectives of the regions as an alternative




federalism, provinces, rent system, development, regions


Argentina adopted by the National Constitution of 1853/60 the federal form of state, for which two jurisdictional orders were created: the national and the provincial, and in order to them, reserved powers of the provinces, powers delegated to the nation and concurrent powers between the two were established. For the autonomy of the prvinces to be effective, they had to have sufficient economic and financial resources for their subsistence and development. For this reason, the Magna Carta also regulated the rent system, wich over time began to lose functionality, due the process of population concentration and economic resources around the city of Buenos Aires that has become structural, compromising the development of the provinces. Faced with this reality, the constitutional reform of 1994 contemplates the possibility that the provinces meet in regions. In this sense, the Province of Corrientes has been integrated into the Norte Grande region.


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How to Cite

Mariño Fages, J. R. (2023). The dysfunctionality of argentine federalism in the economic and social development of the provinces: the Corrientes case. Perspectives of the regions as an alternative. Research Journal of the Faculty of Law and Social and Political Sciences – UNNE, 2(1), 1–13.



Artículos científicos