Initiative, convocation and integration of the National Constituent Assembly in Venezuela: Critical comments of the 2017 Constituent Process




constituent, Venezuela, abusive constitutionalism


This work analyzes the constituent trajectory of Venezuela at the end of the 20th century and its subsequent authoritarian drift in 2017. In particular, the elements of abusive constitutionalism present in the initiative, convocation and integration of the National Constituent Assembly of 2017 are analyzed, a formula invoked by Nicolas Maduro as a response to the institutional crisis aggravated by the confrontation between the Government and the opposition-majority Congress. This body would become another manifestation of an authoritarian regulatory design aimed at dismantling the rule of law, dissent against the regime and the political freedoms of citizens.


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2023-11-03 — Updated on 2024-03-20


How to Cite

Palacios Sanabria, L. G. (2024). Initiative, convocation and integration of the National Constituent Assembly in Venezuela: Critical comments of the 2017 Constituent Process. Research Journal of the Faculty of Law and Social and Political Sciences – UNNE, 2(2), 1–16. (Original work published November 3, 2023)



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