Citizenship and climate change
citizenship, climate change, pro-ecological behavioursAbstract
This article analyzes the relationship between citizenship and climate change by three closely linked dimensions: environmental civic duties, which include pro-ecological behaviors; its implications for human rights and climate litigation. We began our analysis from a series of epistemological considerations that climate change entails for the institution of citizenship. The objective of this scientific paper is to make an interrelation between the theory about the issue of climate change and the doctrinal approaches that have addressed this problem. The methodology is based on the hermeneutics of doctrine and of jurisprudence. The bibliographic and theoretical analysis allows us to infer that the environmental paradigm leads to re-signify the traditional concept of citizenship, not only expanding the spectrum of rights, but also implying political responsibilities towards nature and future generations in a global scenario. It has been possible to identify that the tool of climate litigation has proven to be effective for the protection of human rights and for the exercise of environmental civic duties.
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