Antihelminthic effect of ivermectin and doramectin on weaned cattle from southern Paraguay


  • M. C. Báez Universidad Nacional de Asunción
  • M. B. Lara Universidad Nacional de Asunción
  • O. Ortega Universidad Nacional de Asunción
  • M. W. Torres Universidad Nacional de Asunción
  • L. R. Bogarín Universidad Nacional de Asunción



Weaned bovines, parasitosis, ivermectin, doramectin


<p The objective of the investigation was to determine the antihelminthic effect of ivermectin and doramectin on weaned cattle from Abaí and Caapucú (Departments of Caazapá and Paraguari, Paraguay). For this purpose, stool samples of 40 bovine with parasitic loads higher than 400 eggs per gram were collected and divided into two groups of twenty animals each. One group was medicated with ivermectin and the other with doramectin, in both cases with a dose of 0,2 mg/kg subcutaneously. A second treatment was repeated 15 days later. The coprological analyses (McMaster technique) were made at 15, 30, 45 and 60 days. At the end of the assay, levels of 83 and 8 eggs per gram of feces (p<0,05) were determined for ivermectin and doramectin groups, respectively. Although both drugs caused the decrease of eggs per gram, the effect of doramectin was clearly higher compared to ivermectin.p>


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How to Cite

Báez, M. C., Lara, M. B., Ortega, O., Torres, M. W., & Bogarín, L. R. (2019). Antihelminthic effect of ivermectin and doramectin on weaned cattle from southern Paraguay. Revista Veterinaria, 30(2), 59–63.



Trabajos de Investigación