Glutathione peroxidase activity in dairy cows with and without selenium supplementation


  • G. Bianchini Universidad Nacional del Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Investigador Centro Latinoamericano de Estudio de Problemáticas Lecheras (CLEPL)
  • R. J. Masso Investigador Centro Latinoamericano de Estudio de Problemáticas Lecheras (CLEPL)
  • A. Rinaudo Universidad Nacional del Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Investigador Centro Latinoamericano de Estudio de Problemáticas Lecheras (CLEPL)
  • P. R. Marini Universidad Nacional del Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Investigador Centro Latinoamericano de Estudio de Problemáticas Lecheras (CLEPL). Carrera del Investigador Científico (CIC-UNR)



Dairy cows, ante-partum, selenium, intra-ruminal bolus


The aim of this work was to evaluate glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity levels in dairy cows supplemented and not supplemented with intra-ruminal selenium (Se) boluses. The GPX activity of 96 clinically healthy primiparous and multiparous Holstein dairy cows, from a commercial establishment in Centeno´s town, Santa Fe Province (Argentina), was assessed. According to the individual GPX determinations, two categories of cows were defined taking 130 U/gHb as the cut value. The cows in each category were randomly divided in two subgroups, one of which received an intra-ruminal bolus of long-acting Se (Permatrace®) while the other remained unsupplemented. Next, two new enzymatic activity determinations were made: ante-partum (between 30 and 15 days before calving) and post-partum (between 30 and 45 after calving). The 35.4% of the cows presented enzyme activity values lower than the cut value. Cows with low basal values of GPX activity not supplemented with Se boluses did not significantly modify the basal values. In cows with low basal values of GPX activity and supplemented with Se, a significant increase in enzymatic activity was observed. It is concluded that a significant proportion of cows have low GPX activity, enzymatic activity levels are modified according to the moment of evaluation in relation to calving and that supplementation with intra-ruminal Se is an effective strategy to increase the enzyme activity.


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How to Cite

Bianchini, G., Masso, R. J., Rinaudo, A., & Marini, P. R. (2020). Glutathione peroxidase activity in dairy cows with and without selenium supplementation. Revista Veterinaria, 31(1), 28–32.



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