Productive life, survival, discards and deaths of cows in different crosses of dairy breeds in a grazing system
Dairy cow, adaptation, fertility, longevity, welfareAbstract
The objective of this work was to evaluate the duration of productive life, survival to subsequent calving, discards and deaths in different crosses of dairy breeds in a grazing commercial dairy farm. Retrospective data from a commercial farm in the province of Santa Fe, Argentina, were analyzed. The period evaluated ranged from August 1, 2017, to January 12, 2021. The database consisted of 1,342 lactations of pure Holstein breed (HO; n: 799 cows), 344 lactations of HO x Jersey cross (JY; n: 164 cows), 190 lactations of the JY x Montbeliarde cross (MO; n: 96 cows) and 316 lactations of the MO x HO cross (XB; n: 134 cows). No significant differences were found between the survival curves of the productive life variable between the pure HO breed and the evaluated crosses (p=0.1281). When the survival to subsequent calving was analyzed, it was found that all the crosses were superior both in the second and in the third calving, with respect to the pure HO cows. No significant differences were found in culling and mortality variables between HO cows and the different crosses. It is concluded that the length of the productive life was similar between the pure breed HO and the studied crosses JY, MO and XB. Finally, culling and deaths were similar between the purebred (HO) and the JY, MO and XB crosses, although MO cows showed the lowest mortality rates.
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