Estimation of the main productive indicators of bovine livestock of the Curuzú Cuatiá department, Corrientes, Argentina
bovine livestock, production indicators, cow equivalent ha-1, calf-cow ratio, meat production in kg ha-1Abstract
In the present study, the physical indicators of bovine livestock in Curuzú Cuatiá department were estimated in order to provide useful information for the different economic, political, social and academic actors, as input for correct decision-making. The estimation was carried out using a methodology to measure the physical outcomes of agricultural companies according to the guidelines of the Argentine Association of Regional Consortiums for Agricultural Experimentation (AARCAE). The bovine load was calculated in cow equivalent ha-1, the calf-cow ratio and meat production in kg ha-1. The results obtained demonstrate that the productive indicators in Curuzú Cuatiá department are favorable when compared to the same indicators in the province of Corrientes. This information will enable strengthening decision-making and the proper evaluation of the impact of various factors affecting the activity with the aim of improving the productive indicators in the province of Corrientes.
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