Prevalence of sarcocystosis in alpaca (Vicugna pacos) carcasses commercialized in the Junín region, Peru
South American camelids, Zoonotic diseases, ParasitosisAbstract
The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of Sarcocystis sp. in alpaca carcasses commercialized in the Junín region, Peru. An exhaustive analysis of data collected from January to December 2022 was conducted, wherethe entry of these carcasses into the main market of the mentioned region was observed. The samples for the study included a total of 1716 carcasses, where the regions of Junín, Huancavelica and Lima contributed 572 carcasses each. The methodology used to identify infected individuals was based on macroscopic analysis of cysts generated by the presence of Sarcocystis sp. The findings revealed a prevalence of 16.78% (68/572) of Sarcocystis sp. in carcasses from the Junín region. On the other hand, a prevalence of 11.88% (96/572) was observed in the Lima region and 5.24% (30/572) in the Huancavelica region. Additionally, Odds Ratios (p<0.05) of 2.44 and 3.64 were calculated for the Junín and Lima regions, respectively, compared to Huancavelica. The study demonstrates a prevalence of sarcocystosis in the studied regions, with higher frequency in Lima and Junín compared to Huancavelica.
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