Soil improvement sustainable practices in horticultural systems by the universitary extension


  • Sebastián Carnicer Instituto Agrotécnico “Pedro M. Fuentes Godo” FCA – Universidad Nacional del Nordeste Av. Las Heras 727 – Resistencia – Chaco
  • Cristina E. Sotelo Instituto Agrotécnico “Pedro M. Fuentes Godo” FCA – Universidad Nacional del Nordeste Av. Las Heras 727 – Resistencia – Chaco
  • Germán L. Pérez Instituto Agrotécnico “Pedro M. Fuentes Godo” FCA – Universidad Nacional del Nordeste Av. Las Heras 727 – Resistencia – Chaco
  • Bárbara M. Ballatore Instituto Agrotécnico “Pedro M. Fuentes Godo” FCA – Universidad Nacional del Nordeste Av. Las Heras 727 – Resistencia – Chaco
  • María E. Castelán Instituto Agrotécnico “Pedro M. Fuentes Godo” FCA – Universidad Nacional del Nordeste Av. Las Heras 727 – Resistencia – Chaco



compost, green manures, horticulture


Good Agricultural Practices have been incorporated into the Argentine Food Code and it will come into effect within the horticultural system in 2021. Due to this, it is essential to go along with production processes, bearing in mind that learning is based on self experience and is the result of collective interactions. The aim of this work was to foster agricultural technologies so as to improve soil fertility through workshops and demonstration experiences in which students, producers and technicians from different institutions interact in the practices of green manure and compost. The experiences were divided into stages: problem identification; critical awareness development; proposal; activity monitoring; assessment; discussion and reflection; field day with farm producers with role models and technical material provision. Teamwork was carried out between the different participants in the projects: students, producers and professionals from the institutions involved. Students applied the acquired technical knowledge to perform different tasks: such as soil sampling and soil and compost analysis. They got to know what producers’ working daily lifestyle was like and took part in the processes of generating knowledge in non-formal education contexts. Producers have shown deep interest in recommended practices. The labour entailment and mutual respect among all participants was also strengthened by achieving dynamic and partnership space.



How to Cite

Carnicer, S., Sotelo, C. E., Pérez, G. L., Ballatore, B. M., & Castelán, M. E. (2020). Soil improvement sustainable practices in horticultural systems by the universitary extension. Agrotecnia, (30), 66–73.



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