Incidence of passive strategies in the thermo-energetic behavior of a dwelling in summer, with different orientation scenarios in Mendoza


  • Alicia Betman Instituto de Ambiente, Hábitat y Energía (INAHE), CONICET
  • Julieta Balter Instituto de Ambiente, Hábitat y Energía (INAHE), CONICET
  • Carolina Ganem Instituto de Ambiente, Hábitat y Energía (INAHE), CONICET Facultad de Artes y Diseño (FAD), Universidad Nacional de Cuyo



Energy efficiency, envelope, simulation


The objective of this work is to assess the incidence of passive strategies in summer and its influence on the thermal and energy behavior of a dwelling under study. The same project gave rise to two orientation scenarios: East-West and South-North.

Through dynamic simulation in Energy Plus, five days of the most representative summer month (January in the Southern Hemisphere) were studied.

The results of the application of insulation in the envelope, DVH, and natural night ventilation, showed an improvement in thermal behavior. For the East-West model, the interior temperature was reduced by 2.5°C and auxiliary energy consumption by 60%, while the South-North model reduced interior temperature by 3°C and consumption by 70%.

It is concluded that, if the project does not start from the conditions considered optimal (orientation), through the incorporation of passive strategies, significant energy reductions and interior comfort conditions can be obtained.


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How to Cite

Betman, A., Balter, J., & Ganem, C. (2022). Incidence of passive strategies in the thermo-energetic behavior of a dwelling in summer, with different orientation scenarios in Mendoza. Arquitecno, (20), 12–21.


