A tree, a shelter. Hundreds of trees, one house. Plant architecture as a project method for the design of sustainable spaces


  • Lautaro Dumón Lamarque Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Laboratorio de Investigación en Teoría y Práctica Arquitectónica




Braided trees, botanical construction, social habitat


The interest in the preservation of the natural environment that we inhabit has grown, product of an introspective and dissimilar culture of capitalism so incarnated, gestating since the mid-nineties a process of vindication of architectural examples directly related to the concept of forest, or rather From the tree.

Hence, the houses in the trees and historical references to spaces supported by plant species have emerged as the foundation of a much more powerful ideal such as plant architecture, where traditional structures are replaced by the braiding of living plants, which integrates architecture in systems where natural life functions as a support for spatialities potentially capable of resolving the link with the site in a more sustainable way.


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How to Cite

Dumón Lamarque, L. (2023). A tree, a shelter. Hundreds of trees, one house. Plant architecture as a project method for the design of sustainable spaces. Arquitecno, (22). https://doi.org/10.30972/arq.227249


