Bioclimatic optimization of the envelope parameters of an open plan Kindergarten, in a very hot-humid climate
Thermo-lighting comfort, School architecture, Natural light, Bioclimatic design, Glazed areasAbstract
Considering the importance of the use and control of solar energy as a potential bioclimatic resource in the Northeast Region of Argentina, the validation procedure of a methodology for estimating optimal glazed areas is presented, in an existing kindergarten prototype of open typology in the city of Resistencia, Chaco. Based on a generic proposal, the improvements obtained are verified by combining variables not contemplated in current regulations for the calculation of lighting openings by orientation, in a very hot - humid climate, configuring for this purpose dynamic simulation models calibrated with in situ measurements. A reduction in the absolute maximum temperature of up to 3.4°C was obtained, which had an impact on the reduction of cooling requirements of up to 41% in November. This, in turn, allowed notable improvements in the spatial distribution of natural light, preserving an average of 500 lx.
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Copyright (c) 2024 María Laura Boutet , Alejandro Luis Hernández

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