A tool for design and a couple of urban planning examples


  • Hernán Santiago Nottoli Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo




Architecture, Fractal geometry, Models, Examples architecture


Today there are new concepts that have been created in recent times and among the innovative mathematical fields that are used when designing, one of them is the fractal geometry. This work aims to venture into that branch of knowledge, accompanying the central ideas with design examples of recognized value in international fields. The central objective is to show a tool that makes possible to enrich the intervening process, and the methodology is based on highlighting the successive steps to follow to apply these novel ideas in the design field. Although many people dedicated to the creation of artistic, architectural and urban works are not usually friends of mathematics, today it can be said that this discipline is an imponderable ally in the design process. The culmination of the work highlights the valid conclusions that are expected to be legitimatearguments to defend the central ideas of this presentation.


Author Biography

Hernán Santiago Nottoli, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo

Arquitecto – Doctor en Arquitectura
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Creador y Codirector del Centro de Matemática y Diseño
Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo (UBA)


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Nottoli H. (2021). "Análisis de diseños de planeación según modelos fractales y topológicos". Trabajo de investigación.XV Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Escuelas de Urbanismo y Planificación (on line).

Perera J. y Perera J.(h) y Spinadel V. (1993). “Geometría Fractal”. Nueva Librería.

Spinadel V. (1995) “Orden y caos: el borde fractal”, Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina, Buenos Aires, vol. 225, No. 2, 129-141,

Spinadel V. y Nottoli H. (2005). “Herramientas Matemáticas para la Arquitectura y el Diseño”, Ediciones FADU. ISBN 950-29-0833-3.

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web: https://fog.ccsf.edu (citada en varias imágenes)



How to Cite

Nottoli, H. S. (2024). A tool for design and a couple of urban planning examples. Arquitecno, (23). https://doi.org/10.30972/arq.237660


