Cohousing > among the sustainable and the buildable
community, uses, technique, hábitatAbstract
The objective of this work is to review the usual paradigms on how to inhabit the city, rethinking
concepts such as density, hybridization, sustainability, and their different ethical representations.
It is located in the Architectural Project Workshop and is a proposal that seeks to provide
architectural solutions to new ways of living together, in this case, to communities united by a
common productive activity.
A lesser impact of what is built on the environment is sought, at all scales in which the imprint made
on the territory can be mitigated. We work on the concept of sustainable awareness from the
environmental technique, the landscape and the social dimension of the project. The archetype of
housing is questioned, experiments are made with project means and instruments, time and context
are considered as project materials, valuing analytical aptitude and reflection on the discipline.
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- 2025-02-05 (2)
- 2024-12-27 (1)
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