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Urban heat islands and social vulnerability: a comprehensive approach and adaptation strategies from architecture and urban planning




Sustainable Design, Adaptive Capacity, Natural Solutions, Applied Technologies, Climate Change


The Urban Heat Island (UHI) associated with recent extreme heat events brings social, economic,
and environmental consequences. It increases energy consumption, air, water and soil pollution,
decreasing the quality of life for the population and health risk, especially for vulnerable social
sectors. This research presents an interdisciplinary study with a comprehensive approach to UHIs
from the perspectives of Environmental Management, Architecture, and Urban Planning. The case
study focuses on the Metropolitan Area of Córdoba City, Argentina. The work concentrates on three
axes: defining threat maps through the use of satellite resources, determining the Social Vulnerability
Index (SVI) and definition of adaptive capacity strategies based on nature. It represents an example
of leveraging technological resources for assertive architectural and urban design.


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How to Cite

Bressán, M. B., Beltramone, G. B., Pons, D. H., & Vanoli Faustinelli, L. G. (2024). Urban heat islands and social vulnerability: a comprehensive approach and adaptation strategies from architecture and urban planning. Arquitecno, (24), 1–9.


