Pathological processes in reinforced concrete, aggravated by the marine environment. Diagnosis and repair. Mar del Plata case
constructive pathology, structural injury, structural reinforcementAbstract
The study focuses on analyzing construction issues in condominium buildings in Mar del Plata,
especially in coastal areas, where damages to concrete structures are observed. The objective is to
understand how proximity to the sea affects these structures by investigating the pathological
process, the evolution of damages, and their causes. The aim is to contribute methodologically and
conceptually to the field of construction pathology, making a contribution in both academic and
professional spheres to implement sustainable conservation practices in managing structures
exposed to the marine environment to extend their lifespan. Various survey techniques will be
employed, using instruments and tests to gather precise data on damages, facilitating accurate
diagnosis and the formulation of intervention criteria, repair recommendations, and reinforcement.
This study aims to enhance understanding of pathological processes in maritime constructions,
thereby strengthening maintenance strategies.
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