Poetics of Disenchantment in Stella Manhattan by Silviano Santiago and Bandoleiros by João Gilberto Noll





ppoetics of disenchantment, body, mobile identities, Brazilian literature


Since the Brazilian democratic opening of 1980 arises a series of works that constitute a change concerning the preceding realistic narrative. I read these narratives from the category of “poetics of disenchantment” as they show a rejection of modernization. In this work, I analyze the novels Stella Manhattan (1985) by Silviano Santiago and Bandoleiros (1985) by João Gilberto Noll, and propose a critical reading that focuses on representations of the body and mobile identities as manifestations of the poetics of disenchantment. e violence and the paranoid logic with which the characters operate in Santiago’s novel (which sets in times of the Brazilian military dictatorship) produce a rhizomatic effect on the identities that multiply and disintegrate. Meanwhile, in Noll’s novel, the violence on the bodies is portrayed with the dynamics of the show, banalizing them, and the anecdotes are rewritten again and again, exposing the artifice.

Author Biography

Arantxa Laise, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. INVELEC CONICET

Arantxa Laise es Licenciada en Letras por la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (UNT). Actualmente se encuentra en la etapa final de la Carrera de Doctorado en Letras de la UNT. Es Becaria doctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) y docente de Literatura Brasileña y de Literatura Anglosajona en la Carrera de Letras de la UNT. Se desempeña, además, como editora en la Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (EDUNT).



How to Cite

Laise, A. (2023). Poetics of Disenchantment in Stella Manhattan by Silviano Santiago and Bandoleiros by João Gilberto Noll. Cuadernos De Literatura, (22), e2211. https://doi.org/10.30972/clt.227307


