The Protocols of Traveling by Bus: Routes and Conversations in ELSE (Spanish as a Second and Foreign Language) Classes
teaching-learning, Spanish, conversation, protocols, habitsAbstract
This article presents reflections on the planning of an ELSE class, in the NEA region, based on a class experience framed in the “Proyecto Idiomas” of the UNaM-FHyCS, as well as the investigation project titled “Spanish used in the NEA – mother tongue and foreign language. Linguistic, discursive and semiotic interoperability”. We highlight the importance of the instructions of class assignments about protocols in the generation of meaningful conversations, as well as the relevance of concepts that guide the process of learning a second language: semiosphere, border, translation, and habit.
Furthermore, we highlight the need to contextualize ELSE classes so that foreign students learn not only the language but also the culture, constantly crossing thresholds and generating new linguistic-communicational habits. The proposed comprehensive approach seeks to enrich learning beyond vocabulary acquisition, promoting immersion and creativity in the classroom.
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