Democracy, Aesthetics and Freedom in the Practical Philosophy of Juliane Rebentisch: Attempts From the Thought of the Political




Democracy, Aesthetics, Freedom, Critical Theory, Post-foundationalism


The tradition of Critical Theory linked to the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research has often been periodized taking into account the successive generations of thinkers who animated it. From this time frame, the so-called “third generation” of Critical Theory renewed its main lines of research by incorporating into the German tradition of thought the developments of French post-foundationalism. In the same vein, a representative of the “fourth generation”, Juliane Rebentisch (2024; 2013), finds in the theories of Claude Lefort (1990; 1985), Jacques Rancière (2007; 2006) and Jacques Derrida (2011; 2005), new ways of approaching problems typical of German idealism, such as that of aesthetic appearance, in its always conflictive link with democratic politics. We propose as an objective of our work to highlight both Rebentisch's thesis in this respect, as well as the main sources that nourish his proposal concerning a reinterpretation of the current phenomenon of the aesthetization of politics. Following this development, and taking now a set of elements from Miguel Abensour's (2007; 1998) political philosophy, we suggest an alternative interpretation of democracy.

Author Biography

Matías Cristobo, Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Licenciado en Comunicación Social y Doctor en Ciencia Política por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Investigador Asistente del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), interesado en Teoría Crítica, Marxismo y Filosofía Política. Docente por concurso en la Universidad Nacional de Villa María (hasta Agosto de 2022) y por selección de antecedentes en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (continúa). Miembro del Equipo Responsable del Grupo de Investigación “Modernidad Estética y Teoría Crítica”, radicado en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y la Universidad Nacional del Litoral.


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How to Cite

Cristobo, M. (2024). Democracy, Aesthetics and Freedom in the Practical Philosophy of Juliane Rebentisch: Attempts From the Thought of the Political. New Itinerary, 20(2).


