When the law is broken and the state vanishes: the labor scenario of the correntinean press
Outsourced markets, labor precariousness, transnational financial capitalismAbstract
This article analyzes the working conditions of print journalism in the province of Corrientes (Argentina) between 2008 and 2020. It recovers the conceptual contributions of authors who problematize the implications of the current phase of capitalism and its consequences in the field of labor relations, as well as the modes of labor organization imposed by neoliberalism as a regime and the role of the State in protecting acquired labor rights. The objectives of the research are as follows: to describe the conditions of precariousness of print journalism in the province of Corrientes and to reflect on the interference of the State in the guarantee of labor rights. To achieve these objectives, the following research techniques were used: analysis of the legislation that regulates labor activity, observations of participants in internal assemblies of the Board of Directors of the Asociación de Periodistas de Corrientes (APC) and analysis of the press releases that systematize the main problems of the sector. The conclusions state that, despite the central role that journalism plays in strengthening democracy in society, the State has not managed to propose effective strategies for the protection of the sector’s labor rights. Keywords Outsourced markets, labor precariousness, transnational financial capitalismReferences
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