The climate change law regime at the international level and in Argentina: before and after the Paris agreement




Climate change, Legal regime, Environmental law, Argentina


The development of climate change law regime is the achievement of a long path where a scientific consensus was first necessary to generate political interest and converge on legal instruments at the international level, which were subsequently replicated in national legal systems. The aim of the work is to realize a characterization and analysis of the climate change law regime development, its objectives and regulatory structure at the international and national level. The methodology is qualitative, the documentary and bibliographic method is applied through the analysis of public documents, academic studies and legal hermeneutics in the analysis of national and international law. The international regime has a highly evolutionary character. On the other hand, in Argentina the regime is incipient, although significant advances have been made at the regulatory level and with respect to the development of public policies in line with international trends.

Author Biography

Ailén Sol Flores, Universidad Nacional de Luján

Licenciada en Información Ambiental (Universidad Nacional de Luján)
Becaria doctoral (CONICET)


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How to Cite

Flores, A. S. (2024). The climate change law regime at the international level and in Argentina: before and after the Paris agreement. Research Journal of the Faculty of Law and Social and Political Sciences – UNNE, 3(1), 1–20.



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