Efectividad de las TIC en los procedimientos administrativos





ICT, effectiveness, administrative procedures, organizations


The emergence of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has caused important changes in our way of being and acting, both on an individual and social level. ICT has transformed our way of working and managing resources; caused profound changes in today’s organizations. These technologies significantly boost the development of  organizational processes: streamlining communications, digitizing documents, optimizing files, managing resources, carrying out economic and financial analyzes in an agile manner, promoting products and services using multiple communication channels, etc. ICT is a set of systems and products that capture information from the environment, store it, process it, communicate it and make it intelligible to people, using computer devices (hardware) that operate internally through programs. (software) for the processing of information and communication processes. This article aims to investigate the main factors and characteristics that delimit and configure the effectiveness of ICT in the development
of administrative procedures of organizations. 

Author Biography

Romina Natalia Gatto, Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM)

Doctora en Ciencias Económicas (UNLaM) – Licenciada en Administración (UNLaM) – Contadora Pública (UNLaM). Docente e investigadora del Departamento de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM). Jefa de Trabajos Prácticos de la Cátedra de Procedimientos Administrativos (UNLaM) y directora de proyecto de investigación del programa de acreditación CyTMA2 (UNLaM).


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How to Cite

Gatto, R. N. (2024). Efectividad de las TIC en los procedimientos administrativos. Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Económicas, 33(2), 62–74. https://doi.org/10.30972/rfce.3327903



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