Identification of gastrointestinal nematodes in buffaloes slaughtered in Corrientes, Argentina
Buffaloes, gastrointestinal nematodes, larvae, parasitical necropsyAbstract
The objective of this work was to identify and quantify the adult specimens of gastrointestinal nematodes in buffaloes slaughtered in Virasoro (Corrientes, Argentina) by means of necropsy of the digestive tract, and through coprological studies, in order to correlate them with the count of eggs per gram of fecal stool and the proportion of parasite genera of third stage larvae of stool culture. A total of 4 necropsies corresponding to young male buffaloes were carried out, of which 50% presented adult specimens of Trichostrongylus sp and Haemonchus sp located only in the abomasum. In the coprological studies, 75% of the samples presented counts of egg per gram of fecal stool, with only 2 cases with the identification of third stage larvae of Haemonchus sp in stool cultures.
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