Evaluation criteria for animal welfare in slaughter plants


  • R. Villamañe Veterinario de actividad privada
  • D. Trevisi Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias.
  • M. Yuño Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias.




animal welfare, slaughter, broilers, quality


This paper analyzes the aspects that involve animal welfare (AW) in the entire slaughter process of poultry production in the Argentine Republic. The National Service for Agrifood Health and Quality (SENASA) is the institution responsible for the norms and actions to implement the AW in production animals. These standards must include those stipulated by the regulations of World Trade Organization, and are required and audited for the export of Argentine products. The slaughter is the stage where the cycle of poultry meat culminates and in which the effects of the application of AW in the entire production process are evaluated. The AW standards related to slaughter include the loading of birds on the farm, transport, unloading, slaughter and processing until the final product is obtained. Catching and loading birds on the farm requires the task to be done in a short time and trained personnel to avoid injury. Chickens should not be subjected to a
fasting period of more than twelve hours between capture and desensitization in the slaughterhouse, which also reduces the microbiological contamination of the carcasses during the
evisceration process. Drinking water should not be removed until the start of charging. The waiting time at the slaughter plant varies according to the operation and the distance of the trip, it should be between 30 minutes and 3 hours. It is important to respect this minimum time for the animals to reduce the level of stress that is manifested by decreased heart rate and vocalizations. The indicators of AW in slaughter are dead birds on arrival, carcass and claw injuries, among others.


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How to Cite

Villamañe, R., Trevisi, D., & Yuño, M. (2021). Evaluation criteria for animal welfare in slaughter plants. Revista Veterinaria, 32(1), 58–63. https://doi.org/10.30972/vet.3215636



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