Nutritional composition and fatty acid profile in grass-fed buffalo cheese supplemented with sunflower and fish oils




Bubalus bubalis, Native grassland, Unsaturated fatty acids, Healthy food


The nutritional composition of milk, cheese, and the fatty acid profile of cheese from buffaloes fed a diet based on native grassland supplemented with 300 ml day-1 of a mixture of sunflower oil (210 ml day-1) and fish oil (90 ml day-1) were evaluated. Individual paired samples of milk and cheese were taken on days 0 (control) and 60 (treated) of supplementation. The fat content in milk was 5.5% and was reduced (p=0.0210) to 4% with supplementation. Protein content in milk was 3.2% and increased (p=0.0309) to 3.5% with supplementation. Lactose levels were 4.7% and increased (p=0.0372) to 5.2% with supplementation. On day 0, hard cheeses (32.59% moisture) were produced with 27.66% fat; 26.45% protein; 10.52% carbohydrates, and 2.79% ash. After supplementation, the cheeses presented lower fat content (21.52%; p=0.0047), higher ash content (3.20%; p=0.0002) and no significant changes in protein and carbohydrate levels (p>0.05). With supplementation, the hypercholesterolemic fraction of fat was reduced for 12:0 (14.12 to 8.53 mg g-1 of fat, p=0.0019), and for 14:0 (89.24 to 52.77 mg g-1 of fat, p=0.0023), while no changes were observed for 16:0 (p=0.1764). Vaccenic acid increased (p=0.0002) from 44.58 to 199.07 mg g-1 fat with supplementation. Rumenic acid increased (p=0.0008) from 8.56 to 20.67 g-1 fat, and α-linolenic acid increased (p=0.0035) from 15.62 to 21.31 mg g-1 fat after supplementation. These results indicate a significant improvement in the nutritional value of cheese fat from buffaloes fed a native grass-based diet supplemented with 300 ml day-1 of a sunflower and fish oil mixture (70:30).


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How to Cite

Villordo, G. I., Catuogno, M., & Lértora, W. (2024). Nutritional composition and fatty acid profile in grass-fed buffalo cheese supplemented with sunflower and fish oils. Revista Veterinaria, 35(2), 30–36.


