Water quality used for poultry drinking in farms in San Roque (Corrientes)
Poultry production, Animal consumption, Chemical analysis, Bacteriological analysisAbstract
The aim of this study was to assess the quality of drinking water used for poultry on farms owned by producers from the free market in San Roque (Corrientes, Argentina). Water samples from wells were analyzed in situ for temperature, pH, and conductivity parameters. Laboratory analyses were performed for Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Chlorides, Sulfates, and Nitrates. To assess microbiological quality, coliform bacteria and total mesophilic aerobes were determined. From a physicochemical perspective, 100% of the sampled farms had water sources of intermediate quality, which is considered acceptable for poultry drinking. The only parameter that could pose issues is pH, as only one establishment had water of intermediate quality for this variable, while the rest were not deemed suitable. In the studied area, the levels of total bacteria varied between establishments, and it was found that 100% of the farms had contamination levels exceeding acceptable limits. The results indicate that the use of these waters is not recommended for drinking by poultry in the farms of the free market producers in San Roque locality, as they are not bacteriologically suitable for consumption. From a physicochemical standpoint, only the pH parameter did not meet the standards in 95% of the evaluated farms.
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