Architectural Technoecosystems. Marble House, Approach to Bioclimatic Architecture, Environmental Comfort, Energy Efficiency and Sustainability


  • Mario Ruben Berent Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Gestión Ambiental y Ecología



ecosystem, environmental impact, renewable energies, solar energy


The case study is developed in particular in the general framework of the thesis proposal with the preliminary title of architectural technoecosystems. The description and criticism of the project and construction of the Marble house in the city of Resistencia is made. This work takes the case at an introductory level considering firstly the relationship of climate and architecture from the conception of the project and the design guidelines, the importance of climate analysis and the determination of bioclimatic guidelines. The incorporation of a first generation of photovoltaic solar energy is also developed in order to improve energy efficiency and reduce the environmental impact in the stage of use of the home. By way of conclusion, the results are presented in the approach to bioclimatic architecture, environmental comfort, energy efficiency and sustainability.

Author Biography

Mario Ruben Berent, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Centro de Gestión Ambiental y Ecología

Catedra Arquitectura V, up “C”, Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnológicas para el Diseño Ambiental del Hábitat Humano, Centro de Gestion Ambiental y Ecologia, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste


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How to Cite

Berent, M. R. (2023). Architectural Technoecosystems. Marble House, Approach to Bioclimatic Architecture, Environmental Comfort, Energy Efficiency and Sustainability. Arquitecno, (22).




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