The Technological Transposition applied to the analysis of architectural production


  • Daniel Vedoya Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Instituto de Investigaciones Tecnológicas para el Diseño Ambiental del Hábitat Humano



Sustainable architecture, Vitruvio, Processes that generate processes, Technological approach, Biomimetics



The development and testing of a method of analysis and interpretation of works of architecture incorporating the technological dimension is presented, applying an unprecedented analysis tool: the “Technological Transposition”. The proposal is based on the absence of a method of technological analysis of current architectural production. Likewise, the need to have an architectural analysis tool that responds to the complexities of the great architectural works of the third millennium is raised. Based on Vitruvius' triadic proposal (utility, firmness and beauty) underlying every work of architecture, notions of technological thinking, creative thinking, complex thinking, technological transfer and technological innovation are applied, complemented with sustainability in architecture. In this way, applying the so-called technological transposition mechanisms, a strategic analysis methodology is developed - also applicable to design - of the architectural work.


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How to Cite

Vedoya, D. (2024). The Technological Transposition applied to the analysis of architectural production. Arquitecno, (23).




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