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Manufacture of textile and starch waste thermal panels and their application to a construction in Mar del Plata




circular economy, popular habitat, hygrothermal comfort, energy efficiency


In the popular habitat in Mar del Plata, it is observed that the housing is deficient and presents no
hygrothermal comfort, due to lack of thermal insulation. In this work we propose the design of thermal
panels using waste from the textile and food industries from the same city. The objective is to
optimize the materials and methods available for the manufacture of the panels applicable in popular
habitat homes and, in addition, analyze their application in a bathroom and kitchen unit in the Caribe
neighborhood. To do this, tests are carried out in the laboratory and on site. Five panels are achieved
with different densities that vary from 551 kg/m3 to 279 kg/m3. In the tests on site, it is observed that
the application is easy and they show a very good response to the handling tests. Given these
results, it is proposed to continue with other tests, in particular, the thermal conductivity ones.


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How to Cite

Atanasoska, K. (2024). Manufacture of textile and starch waste thermal panels and their application to a construction in Mar del Plata. Arquitecno, (24), 1–7.


