Analysis of thermal and hygrothermal behavior of the poured concrete walls implemented in the self-construction of Mar del Plata


  • Kristina Atanasoska Instituto de Investigaciones en Desarrollo Urbano, Tecnología y Vivienda, Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Mar del Plata, Argentina



Energy efficiency, wall enclosure, popular habitat, sustainable habitat


Within the framework of the Habitat and Citizenship Program (FAUD - UNMDP) from a comprehensive idea of "Support for living" (Cacopardo et al. 2016), different components are developed for the enclosure of the self-constructed habitat in Mar del Plata.

One of them is that of the poured aggregate walls. With the provision of stone powder by the Yaraví SA quarry, different mixtures are generated by adding cement. The objective of this work is to analyze the thermal and hygrothermal behavior of these walls and to propose improvements.

To verify the thermal transmittance and the risk of condensation are used the current regulations, the IRAM standards, and the quantitative and comparative methodology is implemented in the study of the results.

Taking into account the IRAM 11,605 standard, these walls did not reach the recommended category B, however there was a significant improvement by adding an insulating material. 


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How to Cite

Atanasoska, K. (2022). Analysis of thermal and hygrothermal behavior of the poured concrete walls implemented in the self-construction of Mar del Plata. Arquitecno, (20), 87–96.



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