Synchronic description to palatal area of native speakers in the city of Resistencia, Argentina
Argentina NEA region, Process of change, Palatal area, De-lateralizationAbstract
The contrast between the central voiced palatal fricative, /ʝ/, and the voiced palatal lateral approximant, /λ/, phonemes, characterised as an isolated and of poor functional utility opposition, is a phonological feature of Spanish in the Argentina NEA region. The change processes of the palatal area have been studied in quantitative researches and participatory observations. In this paper we identify the current situation of native speakers in Resistencia, the capital city of Chaco province. For that purpose, we present a quantitative study of a spoken corpus, comprised by interviews carried out between 2013 and 2018, sorted according to extra-linguistic factors (educational level, age and gender), in which we observe a significant progress in the delaterialization process.