Teaching and innovation at the university: of "living" conceptions and practices


  • Erika Yamila Sánchez Facultad de Humanidades, UNNE.
  • Patricia Belén Demuth Facultad de Humanidades, UNNE.




pedagogic practice, Innovation, teaching strategies, Architecture


The following article focuses on the results of research on university teaching, particularly in the analysis of a case contextualized in a subject of the Architecture career recognized as an innovative pedagogical practice of the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Our main objective is to understand the foundations of innovative pedagogical practices built by teachers through their professional practice. Methodologically, it works from an interpretative paradigm and a qualitative approach, with case studies. The data collection instruments were micro-interviews before and after the classes, in-depth interviews, observations of non-participating classes and analysis of curricular documents. As conclusions we point out the reconstruction of a case of university teaching whose pedagogical and didactic proposal was sustained in a community of scarce economic resources, which acted as a scenario of the didactic proposal from a critical perspective, relate a "living laboratory", the disciplinary dimension, the active student role and the evaluation of authentic learning.

Author Biographies

Erika Yamila Sánchez, Facultad de Humanidades, UNNE.

Prof. y Lic. en Ciencias de la Educación. Esp. en Educación y NTIC. Aux. Docente de Primera Didáctica- Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura- Aux. Docente de Primera Didáctica II- Facultad de Humanidades

Patricia Belén Demuth, Facultad de Humanidades, UNNE.

Doctora en Didáctica y Organización de Instituciones Educativas (Univ. de Sevilla), Esp. en Cs. Sociales (FLACSO), Prof. y Licenciada en Cs. de la Educación. Prof. Titular en Pedagogía Universitaria y Tecnología Educativa - Facultad de Medicina UNNE.  Aux. Docente de Primera Didáctica I - Facultad de Humanidades UNNE. 



How to Cite

Sánchez, E. Y., & Demuth, P. B. (2019). Teaching and innovation at the university: of "living" conceptions and practices. Revista Del Instituto De Investigaciones En Educación, 10(13), 68–87. https://doi.org/10.30972/riie.10134074



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