A word is worth a thousand images. The importance of recovering linguistic reflection in high school classrooms


  • Angélica Vaninetti Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad del Salvador (USAL)




word classes, grammatical reflection, comprehensive reading, critical reader


In this article, we will present an auric experience carried out with 5th graders. year of a high school, located in Greater Buenos Aires, related to the comprehensive and critical reading of a representative novel of Naturalism in Argentina. Students manifest serious difficulties in making a reading that means inferring ideas from implicit content or understanding the meaning of explicit expressions, figuratively or literally. For this reason, we propose a work perspective that tries to revitalize the study of the word, from a lexical-syntactic and semantic approach, since we consider that this knowledge is an essential tool to guide the path towards connotative reading. We know that interpreting a text implies discovering the key words and nuclear sentences that contain relevant information. Undoubtedly, this requires knowing the various grammar resources that guide the reader so that he can make pertinent deductions. However, the reflexive study of these resources, including that of the word and its characterizations, is usually considered an isolated discipline, as if the lexical-syntactic composition of a text does not guide the activity carried out by the reader. For this reason, our interest is in inducing students towards a committed reflection on the use of the different kinds of words and the possible combinations in which they participate, so that the transfer of this knowledge promotes the formation of Critical readers of literary and / or academic texts.


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Author Biography

Angélica Vaninetti, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad del Salvador (USAL)

Profesora  de Enseñanza Secundaria, Normal y Especial en Letras (UBA), Licenciada en Letras (UBA) y Doctora en  Letras (USAL). Cuenta con una extensa trayectoria docente en el nivel secundario, superior  universitario y no universitario.  Profesora Titular de Gramática I y de Lectura, Escritura y Oralidad I, Profesora Interina de Gramática II en el I.S.P. “Dr. Joaquín V. González”.  Profesora Titular de  Lengua castellana en el I.E.S. en Lenguas Vivas “Juan R. Fernández”. Profesora Adjunta de Seminario de Gramática Española (USAL).  Profesora de  Taller de  Expresión Oral y Escrita  (COF, Facultad de Derecho. UNLZ, 2002-2010). Dictó la carrera de Reconversión Docente en el área de Lengua para la EGB de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (1998-2002). Expositora en numerosos congresos nacionales (Buenos Aires, Córdoba, San Luis) e internacionales (Leipzig, Chile, Ecuador). Integrante de equipos de investigación en las instituciones mencionadas.



How to Cite

Vaninetti, A. (2019). A word is worth a thousand images. The importance of recovering linguistic reflection in high school classrooms. Revista Del Instituto De Investigaciones En Educación, 10(13), 54–67. https://doi.org/10.30972/riie.10134078



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