Results report of problem based learning implementation in a university chair of engineering basic sciences


  • Carmen Graciela Del Valle Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Resistencia
  • Nancy Francisca Aguilar Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Resistencia
  • Ana María Montenegro Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Resistencia



active learning - problem based learning - math skills - engineering


The Engineering Educational Research Team (GIESIN) from Resistencia Regional Faculty (FRRe) of the National Technological University (UTN), Argentina, has conducted research about engineering education since 2010. In its first Project called “The relationship between candidates’ real competences and the requiered competences of the admitted candidates in the careers taught at FRRe from UTN” (2010-2013), first year students’ mathematical skills were analysed through diagnostic evaluations and interviews to the admitted candidates and educators from both secondary school and FRRe first year courses. We reached the conclusion that neither had those students developed mathematical skills at secondary school nor at the university entry preparation course, being those skills necesary for good performance in first year college subjects. In the second Project called “Mathematical competences and its curriculum development in the first year engineering career. The Resistencia Regional Faculty Case” (2014-2016), active teaching and learning strategies which encourage the development of mathematical skills were researched. Subsequently, the research team applied Problem Based Learning (ABP) techniques to develop some Algebra and Analytic Geometry (A y GA) topics from the first year of the Electromechanical Engineering career (IEM). Upon completion of the project, the application of the strategy was continued on this subject. In this opportunity, the study that has been developed is presented and the results obtained are examined.



How to Cite

Del Valle, C. G., Aguilar, N. F., & Montenegro, A. M. (2020). Results report of problem based learning implementation in a university chair of engineering basic sciences. Revista Del Instituto De Investigaciones En Educación, 11(14), 82–93.



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