Susceptibility of the water buffalos in front of different infectious illnesses


  • N. M. Grazziotto Instit. Virología INTA-CONICET, Hurlingham (Bs.As. Argentina).
  • S. S. Maidana Instit. Virología INTA-CONICET, Hurlingham (Bs.As. Argentina). Fac. Cs. Exactas, Quím. & Nat, Univ. Morón.
  • S. A. Romera Instit. Virología INTA-CONICET, Hurlingham (Bs.As. Argentina). Fac. Cs. Exactas, Quím. & Nat, Univ. Morón. Fac. Vet. Univ. Salvador.



buffalos, viral, bacterial and parasitic illnesses, meat quality, human security


In Argentina, water buffalos represents an important economic alternative in livestock breeding. They are used mostly in the production of meat and milk. This species is closely related to cattle because there is currently a large number of mixed buffalo-bovine production fields in our country. It has been shown that buffaloes, despite their resistance to diseases, are susceptible to a large part of the viruses that affect the bovine herd. The objective of this review is to highlight the importance of the role of the buffalo in the world and in Argentina, the susceptibility of buffalo cattle to different infectious diseases, mainly viral and the role as a reservoir of pathogens of other species.


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How to Cite

Grazziotto, N. M., Maidana, S. S., & Romera, S. A. (2021). Susceptibility of the water buffalos in front of different infectious illnesses. Revista Veterinaria, 31(2), 215–223.



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