Chemical fertilization with pH correction in acidic soils and average per hectare of Brachiaria brizantha


  • A. Britos Univ. Nac. Canindeyú, Fac. Cs. Agrop. y Ambient., Curuguaty
  • N. Alonso Univ. Nac. Asunción, Fac. Cs. Veterinarias, San Lorenzo
  • R. Álvarez Univ. Nac. Canindeyú, Fac. Cs. Agrop. y Ambient., Curuguaty



tropical pastures, Brachiaria brizantha, chemical fertilization


The objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of chemical fertilization and soil pH correction, on the yield per hectare and the bromatological composition of the genus Brachiaria, Brachiaria brizantha cv brs Piatã species, subjected to four treatments and evaluated in equal cutting times, simulating a rotary grazing. It was carried out in the city of San Lorenzo, Paraguay. The cuts were made every 35 days after sowing, adjusting the pH plus fertilization according to the technical recommendations, arranged in 4 treatments per block: T1 Control without application of fertilizers or pH correction, T2 Correction of pH without fertilizers, T3 pH correction and application of fertilizers and T4 Fertilization without pH correction. In the performance of Green Matter, according to the analysis of variance (ANAVA) that was applied to the average obtained from each cut according to the treatments, following the random blocks statistical model, it showed significant differences with a confidence level of 95% and applying the Tuckey test for comparison of means (p<0.05) in favor of T3 in relation to the other treatments. Regarding the bromatological composition, regarding the percentage of dry matter, significant statistical differences between treatments were evidenced. The analysis of variance of the crude protein (CP) content, showed that there were no significant differences both between the treatments with CV: 5.29%, as well as with the NDF content between the treatments with 2.81% (CV).


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How to Cite

Britos, A., Alonso, N., & Álvarez, R. (2022). Chemical fertilization with pH correction in acidic soils and average per hectare of Brachiaria brizantha. Revista Veterinaria, 33(2), 130–135.



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