Prevalence and risk factors of fasciolosis in cattle from the Arequipa region, Perú, 2021
prevalence, risk factor, fasciolosis, bovineAbstract
In Peru, cattle fasciolosis is an important problem in the livestock industry, causing economic losses, being widely distributed and whit endemic livestock areas. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence and risk factors in the Arequipa region. A total of 1,838 fecal samples were examined using the metal mesh sieving technique and the sediment was examined under a microscope. The owner was interviewed to learn about the management characteristics of his livestock. The data were analyzed by a multiple logistic regression model, ANOVA was used for the variables to show significance (p<0.05) and the Odds Ratio was calculated for the factors within the variables, with risk values greater than 1. The prevalence of bovine fasciolosis in the Arequipa region was moderate (34.65%), and the prevalence by provinces was 70.30%, 61.98%, 32.05%, 12.91%, 12.71%, and 3.57% for Caylloma, Condesuyos, Islay, Castilla, Arequipa, and Camaná, respectively. The risk factors for Fasciola hepatica infection that showed significance (p<0.05) were the age of juveniles and adults, the water consumed from the ditch/river, the dosage every 6 and 12 months, and the locations of Machaguay, Chuquibamba, Iray, Andaray, Canocota, Chivay, Coporaque, Ichupampa, Achoma, Maca, Cabanaconde, Polobaya, San José de Uzuña, Vítor, Mollendo, Huambo, La Joya, Viraco, Piaca, and Pocsi. The results of the present study suggest the implementation of a control program through training, periodic treatment, and improvement in cattle management.
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