The site visit: a fundamental educational practice for the teaching of industrialized construction
Articulation theory, practice, survey, comprehensive training, situated learningAbstract
The aim of this paper is to analyse site visits as a key instance in the practical training of future construction professionals. The subject focuses on industrialized construction, taken by architecture and
civil engineering students. Visits to this type of work are a challenge, as they are rare. The methodology included the identification of works and/or workshops, logistics management, registration of the visit
and a qualitative quantitative survey of students and managers of the companies visited. The results
show a high valuation of these activities by both students and entrepreneurs. In conclusion, although
they require a significant management effort by the teaching team, these initiatives are essential for the
comprehensive training of students by bringing them closer to the reality of the sector.
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- 2025-02-06 (2)
- 2024-12-27 (1)
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