Martyrdom as a commemorative act in St Catherine of Alexandria and St Eustace (MSS. h-I-13)




death, time, memory, testimony


The death of the Christian martyr allows us to delve deeper into medieval time and its conception, based on both its linear and cyclical character. The two passions that make up MS. h-I-13, that of Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Saint Eustace, are inserted in the broader codicological context of hagiographic legends and adventurous stories that show the progression of narrative genres and compositional dynamics towards a secularization that is in any case exemplary. Their place in the manuscript, one after the other, refers to the configuration of a holiness focused on the imitation of Christ and his suffering on the cross, as well as to the distinction of the particularly female body as a commemorative record of torture and Christian death and witness, in line with the new horizons of hagiographic studies, which are very productive and little explored in the field of medieval Spanish literature.

Author Biography

Carina Zubillaga, IIBICRIT (CONICET) - UBA

Carina Zubillaga es Profesora Adjunta Regular de la Cátedra de Literatura Española I (Medieval) en la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Es Investigadora Independiente del IIBICRIT (SECRIT, CONICET). Es miembro de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas, de la Asociación Hispánica de Literatura Medieval, de la Asociación Argentina de Hispanistas, de la Sociedad Argentina de Estudios Medievales (SAEMED) y de la Red Internacional Multidisciplinar en Estudios de Género (RIMEG). Ha publicado dos ediciones críticas de manuscritos misceláneos medievales: Antología castellana de relatos medievales (Ms. Esc. h-I-13). Estudio y edición crítica de Carina Zubillaga. Buenos Aires: SECRIT (2008); y Poesía narrativa clerical en su contexto manuscrito. Estudio y edición del Ms. Esc. K-III-4 (“Libro de Apolonio”, “Vida de Santa María Egipciaca”, “Libro de los tres reyes de Oriente”). Buenos Aires: SECRIT (2014); además de numerosos artículos en revistas nacionales e internacionales del ámbito del hispanomedievalismo.


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How to Cite

Zubillaga, C. (2024). Martyrdom as a commemorative act in St Catherine of Alexandria and St Eustace (MSS. h-I-13). Cuadernos De Literatura, (24).


