An algarrobo, native tree, as a cultural landscape. Configurations about the topic “Algarrobo- building scholl” in the Barrio Mapic (Resistencia, Chaco)


  • Rita Sandra Medina Facultad de Artes, Diseño y Ciencias de la Cultura. FADyCC/UNNE
  • Mónica Marisel Medina Facultad de Artes, Diseño y Ciencias de la Cultura. FADyCC-IIGHI-CONICET/UNNE-



cultural landscape, algarrobo/mapic, Qom community


The school of Educación Primaria N° 963 “Cacique Moreno” was founded in Mapic neighborhood in 1985 on request of the Qom community members. In that year, the community did not have a school building, the school had a precarious building. In the same year that precarious structure collpased after a strong storm; therefore, the principal (who was also a teacher) and the students decided to hang a blackboard in an algarrobo (a native tree). The algarrobo (mapic in Qom) was used as a classroom until 1988 approximately. Nowadays that algarrobo no longer exists; however, it is still present in the cultural memory of the qom community. In this paper we describe the semiospheres meanings (Lotman 1996) about the algarrobo and the space that the school building occupies now. For this, two complementary theoretical and methodological perspectives are adopted, semiotics and ethnography. These allow to recover the meanings stablished along the processes of school building creation and construction, and the meanings that are currently reconfigure about the algarrobo: 1) schoolalgarrobo in which there was no physical border to filter the cultural practices of the qom community and 2) school building that imposes a semi-sphere with fixed borders that obstruct the free flow of qom community habits since it establishes the idea of private property. The corpus is made up of regional and national newspapers from the ‘90s, school documents, semidirected interviews to members of the qom community and field notes collected during the years 2012-2015.

Author Biographies

Rita Sandra Medina, Facultad de Artes, Diseño y Ciencias de la Cultura. FADyCC/UNNE

Estudiante avanzada de la carrera Licenciatura en Gestión y desarrollo Cultrual de la Facultad de Artes, Diseño y Ciencias de la Cultura.

Mónica Marisel Medina, Facultad de Artes, Diseño y Ciencias de la Cultura. FADyCC-IIGHI-CONICET/UNNE-

Mgter en Antropología Social egresada de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones y  Dra. En Letras (Universidad Nacional del Nordeste), becaria posdoctoral de CONICET y docente de la Facultad de Artes, Diseño y Ciencias de la Cultura de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste.



How to Cite

Medina, R. S., & Medina, M. M. (2019). An algarrobo, native tree, as a cultural landscape. Configurations about the topic “Algarrobo- building scholl” in the Barrio Mapic (Resistencia, Chaco). Revista Del Instituto De Investigaciones En Educación, 10(13), 88–101.



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