organisation and management, leadership, school-community relationship, social changeAbstract
The present study is part of a broader research project on collaborative networks in education where the aim is to know, understand, and analyse educational experiences of collaboration between the University and the Community. The paper focuses on the experiences of two primary schools, one in a rural context and the other in an urban context, whose management teams are part of its authorship, with the intention of sharing how management is thought and developed in these schools from the involved people’s viewpoint. We highlight some relevant dimensions that enable us to understand the organisation and management of the centers that we consider open, with a community vision centred in all agents’ learning: families, associations, students, and multiple institutions. The research process is developed from a collaborative perspective with a horizontal dialogue. Interviews, observations, records, participation in the daily project of the centres, and document analysis have been used as tools. The resulting abundant information has led us to know how the projects are initiated, what the main characteristics of the management models are, and some questions related to the gender that runs through both narratives. We conclude by analysing the results and highlighting the learning arisen from these two management experiences that seek transformation through the openness and involvement of the whole community.
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