Basic sciences and technology teaching: Didactic adaptations for the training of design thinking




Design thinking, Science, Technique and Technology, Teaching-learning


The paper inquiries into the subjects of Basic and Technological Area of Architecture careers, addressing their contribution to the training of project thinking.  For this purpose, an applied methodology is used, with a descriptive-interpretative purpose.  Its development is structured in three stages: conceptual, operational and interpretive.  The first stage defines the theoretical and referential framework.  The second stage describes the analysis of a didactic exercise in an inductive perspective, worked on the Physics subject.  Finally, in the third stage, conclusions were based on the contribution of scientific, technical and technological subjects to the formation of thought and project knowledge, and vice versa; highlighting the integration of deductive, inductive and abductive reasoning, contributing on specific content, operational skills and communication skills for project construction in their knowledge, know-how and know how to be.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, L. G., Fiscarelli, D., & Martín, I. (2023). Basic sciences and technology teaching: Didactic adaptations for the training of design thinking. Arquitecno, (21), 1–9.




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